Amandio, the sweetheart, decided to surprise me with an early birthday present.. yeah, REALLY early!! He came back from the Maldives with a Singapore Duty Free Bag which could only spell a credit card impulse buy :-) Out comes a flashy new JVC Camcorder with 40GB and a light for night filming.... The zoom is amazing - better than binoculors and not only is having the ability to actually zoom WHILE filming but also a swivel screen display so I can see what I am filming properly, a huge plus. This morning I put my new toy to the test capturing the water reptile which regularly patrols the canal below. It was quite a scary experience seeing it so close.. enormous! The canal is even dirtier than we thought - nauseating ;-O.
Then came the challenge.. is this video file compatable with Windows Movie Maker? Can I still edit the clips, add music and voiceovers? Unfortunately, the immediate answer was NO!!
All I got was a horrible 'bling' sound and this cold, unhelpful message...
"The file :\MyWorks\EverioBackup\vids\reptile\MOV001.MOD is not a supported file type, and it cannot be imported into Windows Movie Maker".
A wise person once taught me that with calm research and persistence everything is possible with technology .... and not to give up when I hit a brick wall. What a rush to discover that it was possible afterall, I just had to do some patient reading.. first in the manuals to see if there was a solution there, then by googling my problem and finding various ways to overcome it on different websites. However, after two attempts of following some complex advice posted on a 'techie' website, I was almost giving up hope.. everything worked except the sound file. Finally, downloading some new software and meticulously following what looked like bloody scary instructions later, I succeeded! I just had to share this small accomplishment - feels so good to figure something out on your own despite having the huge hurdle of being somewhat techno-phobic. Thanks love ;-)