Born to shine
Don’t blow out the flame
The fuel of life
No matter the obstacles
No matter the challenges
Think, reflect
Share your internal light
Play and laugh
Opening your arms
Embrace the entire world
Explode with passion
Into emotions of love!
Born to be alive
Throughout our entire being
Physical, mind, soul
Gallop like an untamed horse
Wild as a comet crossing the sky
Moving beyond dreams
Growing, expanding
Into beautiful feelings!
Have the courage
Take the responsibility
To be different, unique
Assuming the adventure
To be as wild as all nature
Embrace the liberty
That will make you shine
Like any other star
Scintillating in the night!
Congratulations to Sandra, Antonio and Alex for their new family member Rafael (3820grs, 51cms) born at 03:00 on 12th August (the day after I had lunch with you in your garden). He is beautiful! Sandra, he clearly has your eyes, Alex's nose and the rest is undoubtedly Antonio.
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