Up and down and left and right
just go
road road road
let it grow grow grow
tar and asphalt dreams whirl by your head like dead dust bunnies
and you wonder where you're going
so you go, just go go go
and your mind is a terrible driver and swerves, mad with glee, as if dancing with insanity
the desert was meant for you, it seems, as the city flees from your sight, far far behind, in dream time
and you drive drive drive but the tears make it hard to see, you stop for gas and a snack to refill the machine..
but you leave it all behind, the mountains beckon your state of mind
so you walk, stumble and drop into the dry wind and its like a tunnel, sweeping you into crime
the dust never settles the sands in your eye and the ocean chuckles far far away but you continue to shuffle, shuffle your feet to your destiny, a place to be, to go go go thats all you know, and your friends settle and the years slide by, like rain drops off a windshield
this thing called life baffles you, these passions burden you, your spirits drink with you in schizophrenic tendencies and your consciousness is bitch slapped across the face by a stranger in passing
you fall to your knees as the night sweeps its mask suddenly and the coyotes howl and cactus shakes, your bones beg to break your heart yearns to breathe in reality and your mind has its suitcases in hand and its ticket between its teeth, all thats left is a soul boxed and locked, buried deep, wrapped in an army jacket of hope, and all you can do is curl up to protect your last sanity
and then....
a crossroads presents options of a child in a sweet shop, an insatiable appetite turning cartwheels across your mind
maybe? maybe a sun spits and shakes and breaks free, cutting through the night's insecurities and maybe a melody goes supernova in a spirit and escapes to the gravity of your ears and maybe you stumble across another soul, a pair of eyes, an infinity, godly humanity, and things are alright and you get up from your knees and pay for your fucking gas and get back on that road and drive drive drive like the road is suddenly ending and you're free
(this one is a little different to my usual style - came flooding out :-)
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