I have started a second job - teaching conversation and grammar to four high-so Thai ladies privately (royal connections). It is very well paid so I intend to put that money aside 'to buy a baby' :-) (IVF). It does disrupt my week a little as the lessons are on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and makes for less flexibility to go off on long weekends for a while.
Isla is coming back from her month's SouthEast Asian Tour on Saturday so I am really looking forward to spending some time doing girlie things with her in Bangkok - shopping and spa are definitely on the cards. Unfortunately though, our plan to go off to an island to do a diving course fell through due to my new job. SOB! Priorities I guess (this is the financial opportunity we had been waiting for - can't really turn it down).
For the rest, our social life is buzzing with weekly dinners with friends, the next one being a dinner party at our house for ten people on Saturday! Yikes.. better start planning the menu! A Beef Red Curry plus a Cajun Shrimp Stew with Jasmine Rice for maincourse and a Dark Chocolate Mousse with strawberries for dessert, I think. Hmm.. I will add the recipies here. Thankfully I have Friday off to cook all day.
Work is the same as ever. A new teacher.. yes, another male! (Female teachers seem to be non existant). I am planning another project to sink my teeth into. The University Entrance Exam papers have been written, tried and tested - so that chapter is now closed. The IELTS academic writing course we offer is becoming extremely popular among students in Bangkok and we are building a very good reputation. I have proposed that the course be revamped to accomodate the new numbers, recent exam changes and to make it more user friendly for our teachers who haven't been teaching this course to date (we have been using a lot of our own materials on an adhoc basis to meet the diverse needs of the students - the course is lacking in some areas). So.. it all depends on the budget allocated for the revamp - but I would love to do it.
We spent two days in Hua Hin Evason Hideaway resort last week - spent my time reading 600 pages (trashy beach novel) by the pool - joy! Strange, but after 26 days back I was already hanging for another holiday! Yeah.. I know..spoilt :-) Our next break will probably be in March when Mafalda and Paulo Nuno (Amandio's brother) come to visit for a month... Angkor Wat perhaps... but in the Bangkok Post yesterday it warned that the Hot summer would start two months earlier this year and temperatures are expected to be around 45degrees in March! oops! Not the best time to go inland really. We'll see.
Damn.. I just discovered that I cannot add more photos here, nor in Picasa until I buy more storage space from Google. That went fast!
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