Back to the office today after having almost a week off. I tore myself out of bed extra early today to teach the staff for an hour before my lesson started at 10am.. only to hear that because it is such a short week this week they decided not to have a lesson! Huh.. could have had another hour in bed :-( Well, I decided to kill time by checking my email at work.... (I occassionally go there to check it..... but most of my work emails are sent to my gmail account too) only to discover that all the passwords had changed. I hope that there is nothing wrong.... I finally managed and found these photos that a student from the last writing course had sent a few weeks ago. This was a lovely group that just clicked inexplicably and I do miss them terribly.... However, after they do the exam it is always good to hear that they have got what they wanted and some do check back now and again to keep in touch.... Well, I am rambling now.. off to mark some essays.. Love you all loads ;-)More updates later..trying not to fall so far behind.
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