Listen.... The gentle sigh of the wind playfully rustles your leafy frock. Dancing like laughing children, dappled sunlight filters through, revealing your splendour.
The oceans from which you come continue in your breath, soft waves rhythm in and curl out. Each ebb and flow replenishes your soul. You are an island composed of dreams, a place of mystery and rebirth. Your essence is the voice of the Goddess entrusting her creation to you.
Before the quiet relief of dusk, you release your crimson passion over salted waters. The beating you hear is not your own but the pulsing hearts of lovers sitting on your shores. Ever alive, sensations enriched with sweet champagne.
At night, starlight brings the heavens to you to kiss your coconut fringed eyes, rain dropping a melodic dance on your glistening body. The moon speaks to you in her tender voice embracing you in a blanket of peace.
Your smile is the rising dawn, casting languid light across your brow. From your lips we are lulled by birdsong and chirping geckos, the crackle of dry leaves under bare feet. Insects echo your wisdom.
In the midday sun your coral jewels sparkle, accentuating your sumptuous curves. You tease with swaying movements, offering glimpses of exquisite beauty in your secret depths.
Your intoxicating scent pervades all souls, luring them into hibiscus bliss. Ends, beginnings, middles are one as you envelop us with your charms. We, your children feast our eyes on your beauty, drink your delicate peace and inhale your promises of timeless freedom.
As you lay there peacefully, we draw warmth from the murmur of your heart as it marks the patterns of joy, soothing the echoes of pain. The wheel of life never ceases to turn and touching you rolls on for eternity.
Though your children may shut their eyes forever and never return to read another word, wordless the world will return to you. Your voice persists, even in our sleep wherein your delicate sounds form the harmony of our dreams. Beloved....
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