We rarely get to the pleasuredoms of Bangkok to which the rich, the famous and not-yet-quite-so-famous swarm in the name of being seen and heard. However, we had heard from several reliable sources that this was a trendy hip place to go. So, when a colleague invited us to join her entertaining some other Portuguese hoteliers, we couldn't resist the opportunity.
The club is a feature in itself, looking from the outside like a recently-landed alien spacecraft. The rather Frank Lloyd Wrightesque staircase that took us up to the front door is another clue that this is a deliberate exercise in not-looking-the-same-as-other-clubs, and indeed, on arrival in the main auditorium, I could confirm that there is definitely no sawdust on the floor, no pool table and no darts.
I had heard that it was rather subdued by nightclub standards mainly due to the fact that most punters are sprawled out on bed-like sofas in the manner of the great Roman elite who once lay down to their feasts all those years ago. Idle, hedonistic self-indulgence came to mind here, but wait a minute … as we stepped inside it was not quite the young crowd we had expected here at the heart of Trendyrama . Instead a collection of tourists, office types, younger couples and even a few mums and dads were sprawled out on sumptuous white divan beds suspended on two levels, in what was an all white oval pod – a fairly spacious room which could comfortably hold four hundred. The whole club is actually divided into two parts with the smaller section a very cool and classy bar, replete of course with a DJ playing cuts from various classifications of music including Deep Bass (Little too deep at times!) and Chilly Ambient. Whatever happened to good old Rock and Roll? Having said that, the chill out music really suited this futuristic ambience and coupled with a vigorous shoulder and back massage, a fortune telling, and a fruity New Zealand white wine, I was ready to succumb to this concept of dining – spellbound by aliens? The lighting was a beautifully subdued glow of soft blue neon and silent films, videos and the meunu projected on the walls added to the retro-futuristic feel. There were waiters and waitresses dressed like spaceship travellers, glamourously scurrying to and fro bringing us food and cocktails as we reclined like galactic emporers on the divan fittings…. as if we were all there was to see in this earthly planet… perhaps we were!! :-)
1 comment:
Keep up the good work.
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