I Choose Happiness
When we dwell on gloomy negativity
Don't we allow and secretly welcome pain?
If we focus on what we don't want
Doesn't it fester and dominate our lives?
Alarm clock screeches, grumpy, a moan
Stub a toe, damn, a ladder in my tights
Dark thoughts, coffee stain on shirt
Shitty day ahead, spiralling cycle, I crash
When we embrace positive thoughts
Don't we accept good fortune and laugh?
If we ask and visualise our hearts desire
Doesn't it become a reality of dreams?
Alarm clock sings, rejoice, a smile
Stub a toe, I shrug, and let it go
Warm thoughts, sun is shining
Beautiful day ahead, embrace it, I shine
We hold the key to break the chains
Positive thoughts attract glorious actions
Love energy empowers the soul's universe
Forget the yesterdays, turn, face the tomorrows
1 comment:
Olá querida! Adorei o espírito do teu poema... é isso mesmo...pensamento positivo. Vejo que a luz do budismo já te contagiou.
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