Today's session wasn't quite as traumatic as yesterday. There was more focus on restoration of self belief which over the years has become slightly belittled and some innocence lost. The fifth Chakra played a big part in restoring and trusting my inner voice and giving me the strength to be true to myself in situations where I feel put down. I managed to breathe much more freely and when I felt pain or blockage I could push through it - a great feeling. Before the session we examined areas in my life where I have felt suppressed, the reasons why I was open to certain friendships and felt a lack of intimacy. The whole thing was very enlightening and I felt very 'whole' afterwards. Letting go.... The therapist gave me a DVD 'The Secret' to watch with Amandio. I had a quick look on the website, www.thesecret.tv, to see what it is about - 'The Law of Attraction' - sounds interesting. (Just hope it isn't one of those self-help with all the answers kind of thing - we'll see!). She said she really enjoyed working with me because I am so in tune with my emotions (dunno if that was to make me feel good, but hey.. it worked!). She is coming to BKK in a few weeks and said that she would love to see me and how I progress.
Six Senses flew in a well known psychic healer while all the GMs were here for the annual conference. I had been hoping that Amandio could go too (more inclined to seeing as he is male and also highly recommended by peers, so more 'normal' :-) but he was in such demand and the quality of the healing was so intense (due to high stress levels)that he was exhausted on the last day and it wasn't possible. Apparently some are regulars, and for the others it was a life changing experience and are now starting diets, reorganising priorities, more in touch with emotions and feel a need for general wellbeing. He will be visiting the BKK office so Amandio will get his chance then!! LOL.
Anyway, I spent the rest of the day working (preparing corporate marketing material for New Cambridge). I have agreed (after loads of pleading on their behalf) to take over their corporate business; developing and co-ordinating it. However, I am going to do it purely on a part-time basis - less stress and allowing me flexibility to travel with Amandio. This means I can work while I am away, particularly developing course materials (I keep authors rights and get a percentage of all sales as well as hourly pay - cool!). I will continue teaching IELTS when in BKK and of course any business courses we sign on in the future.
Our Maldivian dream is almost coming to an end - back to reality :-( I guess this is my way of slowly easing into it. I will probably feel a little shell-shocked the first few days in BKK - but then I'll get back into the swing of things.
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