I am showing a little bump.... or it could be the bread I had for lunch :-)
Our first doctor's visit, last Tuesday 03-07-07, was 'strange'. I was a little apprehensive due to sharp pains I had had a few nights before after a long day standing at work. I think both Amandio and I weren't very relaxed so we were a little jumpy with each other, taking away from my expectations of it being an exciting, close family experience. Life always seems to have a funny way of veering away from expectations as I have learned with this whole 'wanting to start a family thing' over the past 4 years. I guess this time is no different. I am slowly seeing that this is where the beauty lies. No expectations and no assumptions. Trying anyway :-)
After a urine sample, weight (59 kilos), blood pressure (fine), and height (1m70) check we were sitting in Dr. Phattaraphum's room. He was genuinely surprised that we had conceived naturally, which made me feel quite proud and chuffed. After a pap-smear and examination he told us that my uterus was expanding, which was good news. However he had two concerns: The family history of first-pregnancy miscarriages and a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. He expressed that the fertilised ovum may be stuck in my fallopian tube due to residual tissue after my operation last October. It takes nine days to travel from the tube to the womb where it implants.. however, if it is trapped it will implant wherever it finds itself on the nineth day.
As a result we are going to have an early ultrasound on 19th July at 4:00 (I will be 8 weeks pregnant at that point). Naturally we are trying not to think about this too much, but I can't deny that there won't be a sense of relief when we can see our baby with our own eyes nestled happily in my womb.
Feelings of nausea and tiredness persist but I haven't had any pain since that one time (Sunday 4th). Last night I slept 12 hours and I am looking forward to that again tonight. Most nights have been very restless - the way that I can be when I eat too late and still digesting. All this growing activity is causing vivid dreams too. My skin is getting worse.. unfortunately, I'm not one of the lucky few whose skin radiates. Ah well, whatever it takes :-)
All concept of time has changed.. now I am counting in weeks starting on Thursdays, separated into 3 blocks of 12. The first countdown is the ultrasound though. Funny how quickly the mind adapts.
My day is anchored by 6 light meals:
1. Hot water and lemon. Beetroot,celery,apple,carrot,lemon drink from the juice extractor. Pumpkin,sesame seed and oatmeal cereal with natural yoghurt. Multivitamin, Calcium, B6, Folic Acid.
2. Fruit - Pineapple/Cherries/Grapes/Red Dragonfruit
3. Panini/Salad/Toasted Sandwich and passionfruit juice.
4. Natural yoghurt.
5. Vegetable Soup
6. Couscous-Broccoli-Beetroot salads/Fish/Steak/Stirfried greens/Bolognese etc.
Not to forget munching on sea-weed/almonds and drinking water whenever I start feeling nauseas :-) The doctor advised to eat 6 small meals per day to prevent feeling empty or full which enhances nausea.
Oh Yeah. The way we discovered the pregnancy date has a little story. After two years of trying I stopped this obsessive counting of days, knowing when I was ovulating, or when my period was due. However this time I regretted not having kept a record. Inspiration hit me though, thankfully. The day I started my last period I bought tampons in the resort shop(Maldives). Amandio called the Reservations Manager there (who caught on immediately) and a look in the system later, we had the date - 24/05/07. This means we conceived early June and more than likely in the pool - kind of appropriate seeing as this baby will be a Pisces!! Perhaps we should consider having a 'water-birth'? LOL!!
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Today is Wednesday 11th July
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