I am pregnant! I know!! Unbelievable! After four years of trying of
giving up hope of it ever happening naturally :-)
We spent a month in the Maldives and that seems to have done us loads of good. I also underwent a holistic healing treatment to 'Balance my Chakras' in which a lot of surpising things came up - My Second Chakra (reproduction and expression of emotion) was completely blocked apparently (the complete story is here in another post). Whatever happened, possibly a combination of this, plus the peaceful sea environment of the Maldives(and maybe?... only speculating..) a few romantic pool visits did the trick :-)
I am feeling somewhat overwhelmed by everything. Excitement, relief in a way that I can do it afterall, release of the stress of thinking I was infertile, and of course immense joy. It is taking its time to sink in really - the reality hasn't hit me yet, despite feeling tired and slightly nauseaus at times.
Our first visit to the gyn/obs is tomorrow. We have decided to stick with the same one who is also a fertility specialist and did such a great job with my laparascopic sugery last October. (unblocking my fallopian tubes, lazer burning endometriosis adn removing a cyst and a scary looking fibroid).
Amandio is over the moon - he was the one who surprised me by buying the pregnancy test. Despite being about 9 days late (usually 4 days early) I was afraid to do the test and read 'Negative'... so I guess I was drawing out the time in which I could still get my period for as long as possible. He is being very supportive, not letting me do anything for the first three months (there is a slight concern here
seeing as most of the women in Elma's family have miscarried in the first pregnancy). Of course we are not dwelling on this but there will be a slight sense of relief when those three months are over. I am also looking forward to knowing if it is a boy or a girl. After 4 years of trying and finally being pregnant I really don't care. There haven't been any female kids in this generation of both families though...
This is a very strange time right now. My body in general doesn't show many signs of being different, my life is the same - yet, I can't do the things I normally do - even teaching and standing on my feet for 3 hours in a row wore me out. There are a lot of adjustments going on I guess and both of us are learning what to do. I am still going to continue teaching (very busy right now - 28hrs per week) until the end of this month. Then we are off to Portugal (if the doctor okays the flight) for a few weeks. We are both very excited about this seeing as we haven't been back there since we left to go to Dubai.
So.. that is my 'big' news! 30 June will go down in our personal history as the day we discovered I was pregnant. There probably won't be all that many of those - so a very special time for us.
I know many people don't say anything until after the first trimester is over.. but I am just so happy and excited I want to share it with you. (Hey, if it doesn't work out this time.. it means I will have more people to help me through it) LOL :-) !!!
Happy thoughts :-)
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