Gosh it really has been a while this time. Things have been hectic this past month. We moved house (30-10-08).. from an apartment to a townhouse in a compound with security and pool. A professional moving company packed everything for us and I was under strict orders not to lift anything (at that stage I was still under 3 months). You know me .. though I did
sit back a lot, I couldn't not be involved - and spent the week prior to the move organising things, giving old clothes/things to our maid, sorting out dvds, paperwork etc. Then, when we arrived at the house.. my maid and I unpacked everything (well, except for books, dvds, paperwork, teaching material.. as we don't have a desk or bookcases yet). That took quite a few days. then dealing with the hassles of discovering that there was no hot water in the kitchen and bathtub, leakages in the bathroom, no plugs in the right places, getting handymen in, trying to communicate with a non-forthcoming landlady who has never dealt with expat tenants before.. lead to a little pregnancy scare. I lost some blood and had severe bloating and cramping. Being alone (Amandio was in Vietname and I didn't wan't to scare him needlessly) I went to the hospital (which was another fight with the nurse who wanted me to wait til the next morning- my doctor had gone home for the day) and saw another fertility specialist who, after a full examination and ultrasound, told me that the baby was fine. I had just stopped my progesterone inserts a few days earlier and he thought that this may have caused a blood vessel to burst in my cervix and also upset my digestive tract. A big sigh of relief (called Amandio then) but the whole experience was actually very empowering really. I felt responsible for someone (that I had to fight for without any support) for the first time in ages - I started understanding that what it will be like to be a parent.. in times of trouble, you can't think, just have to go for it, act.. follow your instincts and fight all the obstacles .I know, many of you warned to make sure I really do nothing.. it is a hard exercise but also good for me and overall I have had to let go my control over many things and allow myself to be looked after (I love all the pampering too though). My resistance always being, 'there are so many women who are pregnant and do all the normal things (imagining them
walking up and down Amsterdamer stairs with shopping), continue working etc'. Of course, IVF is different though and certainly more risky, expensive and the probability of it being successful is low. I do feel blessed and I am thanking my lucky stars in many ways; amazed that it worked the first time and that there was no miscarriage with all the things I have done - My rationale behind this is that this baby really wants and is fighting to be a part of this family. I haven't really suffered from any nausea (only slightly - causing my maid to believe that it is going to be a boy, according to Thai superstition) and on the whole this is quite an easy pregancy - now 14.5 weeks and not having another ultrasound (this will be our 6th) until the 19th December. Tiredness is the only thing that plagues me butI have restarted working, teaching one private student at home three afternoons a week and 10 hours at the school on average per week. This is quite doable but in the event I feel exhausted, it is fortunately no problem to cancel and reschedule classes.

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