The house is also ready for us to move in and the landlady already gave us the key. Huge disappointment with the sitting room floor though. A 'professional' tile cleaning company decided to put some chemicals on the floor, which instead of removing the stains as I had requested, stripped the colour and shine leaving the floor dull with even more grey patches. Deposits and first month's rent paid two weeks from moving in there isn't much that can be done. It was good practise for me not to get panicky and pedantic about it (for the pregnancy) so I had to let it go. Hope that our carpets will do the trick. Our elderly Thai landlady also (out of the goodness of her heart) bought us a dining table and chairs as we had requested. You can imagine the shock when I saw a round marble topped gaudy Chinese table with opulant carvings of ribbons and flowers painted in gold. This of course complete with eight chairs in similar style. The table top has a 'lazy daisy' (turn centre) which doesn't leave much room for western sized plates. Best intentions of course.. she paid 2,000 euros for it. All I wanted was a simple teak rectangular (all my table cloths are in this shape) table with either wooden or fabric chairs. I have seen beautiful dining table sets for 800 euros. Well, I really can't live with a table that looks like it belongs in an old fashioned palace, particularly next to our beautiful modern dark wood kitchen... so for now we are keeping the table and buying our own chairs. Hopefully a tablecloth will do the trick or we will eventually buy our own.
The head is now on the right hand side and you can see four (thankfully) white dots which are the limbs (arms and legs).
Today was our third ultrasound and once again everything was rosy. Our baby has doubled in size 2.97cm which corresponds to 9 weeks 6 days, meaning that it is one day bigger/older than it actually is (9wks 5days). It's heart rate is still as fast as it should be - 185bpm and most excitingly it has four limbs, a brain developing in the cranium (thanks to all the folic acid), the correct thickness of skin behind the neck (screening for Down Syndrome) and has even started boogying!! Restless little thing didn't stop moving.. bending and swaying :-) The doctor is very pleased and is confident that we are no longer at risk. Having said that he did warn us not to have sex (orgasms) yet.. until 3 months (that'll be almost 5 months without it.. don't think I have every abstained for that long!! Well, all for a great cause). He has okayed our trip to Portugal for christmas and doesn't foresee any complications. We won't get to know the sex until around 18 weeks.. I was hoping to tell the family as a christmas surprise.. but it'll have to wait until January more than
likely. Our next ultrasound (they will no longer be vaginal and be through the belly instead) is in three weeks.. which will take us over the the crucial three month mark. I have to say, I feel wonderful and very confident. The only side effect I am having is tiredness which is easy to deal with. I consider myself lucky to be having such an easy pregnancy - well, considering the financial, physical and emotional strain we had to go through to actually get pregnant.. perhaps this is deserved :-) I still find myself counting my lucky stars that this has worked on our first IVF attempt.. a miracle in my eyes!

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