Life is slowly reestablishing itself. Not to give you a false impression.. the baby and crossing of fingers and toes that it is developing as it should be is always first and foremost on my mind. Last week was a time for socialising: a romantic Italian dinner with Amandio, Sunday brunch with our portuguese friend, staff dinner with work (see photos), Morrocon dinner with friends. Thankfully, I can still eat. My 'morning sickness' is non existant in the mornings and only rears its sickly head late afternoons and evenings. Though I haven't actually thrown up, I have come close many times. Those who know me well, know of my aversion to vomiting and how I will avoid and prevent it at all costs, despite the knowledge that it can help

me feel better at times. The nausea is similar to what I get when I am really hungry (shaky, irritated, hot, dizzy and queasy) so my first reaction is to get something to eat. This sometimes helps... Eating has become less of what I feel like having but more what the baby needs. For instance, I met Amandio for lunch yesterday and we had lunch in an organic restaurant which is famed for its paninis (I am a huge fan). However, I sensibly chose vegetable soup and salmon (when does one ever really 'want' salmon?). I can't stand the smell of garlic anymore and after eating an egg a day for a week (good source of protein) my stomach turns at even the thought of them. Broccoli, an all time favourite vegetable, is another one that I overate and have become 'allergic' to. Oatmeal porridge has become my latest obsession.. we will see how long it takes for me to turn off it.
I started back at work yesterday teaching only two students (10am-12)... very relaxed. It feels great to be back in the office though being up and active that early did make me look a bit unsightly when I met all my colleagues. They were polite enough not to say it at the time, but the look of concern made it obvious and the tactful.. you are looking perkier now.. at the end of my lesson. Only teaching these girls every second day is great and also gives me time to teach a private student at home on the days I am off. A nice slow introduction back into the land of work.
The move is fast approaching and we are already busying ourselves with organising and, my favourite, throwing away things as well as getting removal companies in to give quotes. We have decided that we want them to pack our things too, which hopefully will make it all stress free. Unfortunately, asking them to unpack is futile seeing as we don't really have the furniture yet to do that. Therefore, we have been spending the past few days pouring through catalogues for shelving units, tv stands and desks. I think that a trip to Chatuchak market is in store ;-)
Right, I'm off to the pool to read 'Empress Orchid by Anchee Min' and get a bit of vitamin D in the morning sun.
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