What was a very stressful morning turned out to be an even weirder afternoon. Seeing the gestational sac on the monitor during the ultrasound.. IN MY UTERUS and not in my fallopian tube... didn't give me the sense of relief I was expecting. Amandio felt the same. On hindsight we both think that it has something to do with the fact that it was ONE and not twins. Strange that, I guess we had already become accustomed to the idea of twins and this in a way seemed like a let down. Silly really, it was only a possibility of twins anyway. To be honest, twins would have posed a challenge, both financially, in terms of our lifestyle and soon to be three storey home. This way we can focus all our energy on one spirit.. slightly less confusing too.
Naturally, we are overjoyed that there don't seem to be any complications so far and we even faintly spotted the circular 'yolk' (the new christened name for our baby! LOL) on the left corner of the sac. The ultrasound and size of the sac, which is full of fluid for the growing baby 'yolk', determined that we are now five weeks and 4/5 days pregnant. Our next ultrasound is on 11 October to hopefully see our 'yolk' more clearly. Also, I have decided to go back to work and do three hours maximum of teaching per day (I will request an easier course with few students). Our move will also get some attention now, starting with phone calls to removal companies on Monday. Life continues and we lovingly allow the 'yolk' to grow ;-)

6 weeks!! Yeahhhhhhhhh!
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