After a restless early morning with numerous trips to the bathroom and a beautiful message from Amandio (Sarita, no matter what happens, I love you) which put me at ease I was off in the taxi at the ungodly hour of 7:45, feeling apprehensive yet plagued by nausea, to do the Beta blood test at the hospital . I had a two hour wait in a quiet corner in the lounge for the results during which time I splashed out on a British decoration magazine and kept focusing on breathing to calm my jitters. I arrived back to the fertility clinic early where the nurse did the customary blood pressure and weight check. Then, I settled back on the couch to do some more of my favourite hobby these days.. 'waiting' :-)
Suddenly, (only after just over an hour) our doctor pops his head around the door and says.. "congratulations! we got the results" and shook my hand.. followed by a nurse who said "you're pregnant" and gave me a huge hug. I was stunned, in disbelief. It took me a second to regroup and realise that yes, I am pregnant, with the first IVF! My first reaction was to send a text to Amandio who, poor guy, is still in China. The next 20 minutes was a flurry of texts with Amandio (who is the biggest sweetheart), a silly wide grin a permanent fixture on my face.. and nurses walking past full of smiles and congrats (got to know them a bit after our numerous trips there). Finally, the doctor was ready to see me (he had many other patients to attend to) and after I had given him a hug of delight and appreciation, informed me that not only am I pregnant but there is also a strong possibility that I am pregnant with twins! Apparently, my HCG hormone level (released when the placenta starts forming - indication of pregnancy) is extremely high. The hCG hormone is measured in milli-international units per milliliter (mIU/ml). Over 50 is considered positive for pregnancy.. well, mine is 629!! Hence the speculation that there are two gestated embryos :-) Lots of excitement all day communicating the good news to family and friends.. feeling nauseas (yeah.. still need to write the TWW part of this blog to fill you in there - but the last two days, especially the mornings have been hell) and it is only going to get worse... but I am over the moon. Naturally, we are both feeling a little reserved as it is early days yet and we still have a long way to go, with more hurdles to cross.. but, by gosh, it is looking very positive! Oh, did I mention that it feels like a girl :-) (or two!). Well, as Amandio said.. "they are all welcome".
I am so pleased for you! Keep thinking positive...this was meant to be!
Much love to you!
Oh my god oh my god oh my god! I´m so excited for you YIIPPEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Ofcourse, aherm, its early days, as you say...but YIIIPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Love you buckets, now stay put now girl and tend to yourself. And write on your pc please! To me please! And to the pai já bem babado , I´ll allow you that...Whats he doing in China? Whens he coming back to wait on his wife hand and foot?
Congratulations!!!! a girls or two???!! I think it can also be a Sarah Jr & a Amandio Jr!! finger crossed...
take care...
big hugs & kiss
Oh sarah, Congratulations that is so wonderful! another friend of mine with twins perhaps .... Wow.
Lots and lots of love Claire
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