1 month: 56cms + 4.6 kgs
2 months: 60cms + 5.7kgs
He spent most of this month with his Oma and Opa Sprangers and travelled by car to Pattaya. He didn't sleep through the night, having two feedings at 2am and 5am which was torture for me :-(. He learnt how to do many exercises from his Oma and didn't stop kicking his legs. He started seeing us at the end of this month and trying to reach out to toys (the red monkey in his crib was the first one he touched). His smiles while sleeping developed into full blown smiles very early on, delighting everyone around him. BAthing time was fast becoming his favourite time of day as he learnt that kicking led to water being splashed out of the tub and onto his mama :-) He loved being held by papa in a belly down (monkey) position on his arms. Mama tried desperately this month to put some kind of routine to make him distinguish days from nights. My main aim was to keep him upstairs in the bedroom after his evening bath. Previously, we had always taken him downstairs to be with us if he cried and only really went to bed when we did at 11/12. Then, naturally he slept a lot during the day (which didn't help me, cause I find that impossible, no matter how tired I feel). The doctor suggested using a dummy to help keep him quiet at night time (had some cholics at the end of his first month)which I agreed to, but was also wary of as I hate seeing babies who cannot calm themselves without sucking on one.
What was cool this month is that Oma,Mama and Amandinho all had 31 years between them (62,31 and 0 respectively which is also double our ages) that is until Oma had her birthday on 2nd June and Mama on 30th July.
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