This past month was mostly spent with Amandinho's avos who doted over him and made my days much easier. He went on the plane for the first time to Krabi, behaving exceptionally well which is very much in keeping with his good humoured spirit. He rarely cries, except when he is hungry and then he is unconsolable. Mornings are my favourite time of day as he always wakes up with a huge smile and then spends some time lying on the bed between both of us, talking, laughing and playing. Last month we managed to establish a routine which suits all of us: (feedings at 6am,9am,12,4pm,8pm and 11pm... having baths at 8:30 in the mornings and 7.30 in the evenings) meaning that we reduced the number of feedings from 7 to 6 per day. Sleepless nights are a thing of the past now as he sleeps from 9ish to 6am, with only one bottle feed at 11pm during which he usually doesn't wake up.. only enought to suck on the bottle :-) Of course, as is natural in a sleeping cycle, he wakes up a few times at night, but now doesn't need me to fall asleep again. We've been training him to fall asleep alone after his evening bath to get him used to this. He is also not afraid to lie in his cot or plaly on his own, which I think is a real blessing!
3 months: 63cm and 6.8kgs
He is developing very well and during his monthly check up the doctor was impressed with the muscles in his legs (he doesn't stop kicking!!) and the strength of his neck. He is extremely alert, actively plays, responds to voices, repeats sounds, uses both hands, can hold his own bottle, has found his feet, rolls to one side, is now used to lying on his stomach, pushes himself around his playmat with his feet and is constantly in a good mood and smiling! Lucky or what!! :-)
He has taken to sucking his hands though and I often find him trying to push both fists into his little mouth, which I am trying to stop. Every time I say 'A Mama ralha' (mama will get angry) he quickly removes them .. which is funny to see. However, his Papa doesn't seem to mind and even encourages him by letting him slober on his arm! Funny to see how he can already distinguish what he can get away with with each parent. Despite my efforts not to let him use his dummy too much, he has started needing it to fall asleep and asks for it often during the day (something that sneaked in while his grandparents were here). Now, I have 'settled on an agreement' with him that he can use it to fall asleep at night time only when he is alone in his bed. I always take it with me for emergencies if we are out in public and he starts acting up.. though, I have never really needed it as he always acts like the angel that he is :-)
This may seem a bit odd, with my little rules and routines.. but well, no 1. I am Dutch (need organisation! LOL!).. No, I strongly believe that it is good to have some structure to make life easier for all of us (ie. not have a screaming baby on our hands if he is alone, one that needs to be carried to fall asleep, dependent on a dummy to be calm, wakes up and needs constant attention at night etc). So far it is working really well.. though I don't know if that is thanks to what I am doing, or that he is just a really good baby. Either way, I am in love and really enjoy his personality for now - independent, social, intelligent, playful, understanding, tender but with very masculine and strong manner and movements.... and most of all extremely determined!
Click here and here and here to see some photos of the third month of his life.
link to a video diary I made of his life from 1.5 - 3 months.
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