Day one of the injections (20th August at 9:30am) was memorable. Amandio makes a great nurse.. but after it was all over, he admitted that he just 'had to go for it, without thinking' :-) No hiccups the first day. The second day.. well, imagine the scenario. Me standing by the window, looking away, with a needle sticking into my arm,
when a voice says.. oops! OOOPPS!!??? Amandio had forgotten to measure the dose which he realised only after he had stuck the needle into my skin. So, that day made for two injections.. the second one hit a vain too so bled a bit. I still have quite a bruise to show for it! We had a good laugh! Needless to say, my arm being just a little tender, we swapped to the left arm the next day. The next three days were uneventful. Amandio was really great and is now a pro. As for the side effects, well.. I didn't have any. I have heard about and read many experiences with this when the woman gets very emotional.. jumping from one extreme of tears to anger to laughter. Not for me.. I just started getting really tired and sleepy toward the end.. particularly on Sunday (Day 5) when I worked for a few hours at school. I slept that afternoon for hours which is VERY unlike me!
when a voice says.. oops! OOOPPS!!??? Amandio had forgotten to measure the dose which he realised only after he had stuck the needle into my skin. So, that day made for two injections.. the second one hit a vain too so bled a bit. I still have quite a bruise to show for it! We had a good laugh! Needless to say, my arm being just a little tender, we swapped to the left arm the next day. The next three days were uneventful. Amandio was really great and is now a pro. As for the side effects, well.. I didn't have any. I have heard about and read many experiences with this when the woman gets very emotional.. jumping from one extreme of tears to anger to laughter. Not for me.. I just started getting really tired and sleepy toward the end.. particularly on Sunday (Day 5) when I worked for a few hours at school. I slept that afternoon for hours which is VERY unlike me!
1 comment:
Hi dear,
How are you doing?
any updates beside these 3 photos?
So you have confirmed your new townhouse?
can't wait to hear from you.
kiss n hugs..
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