1449, from L. ænigma "riddle," from Gk. ainigma, from ainissesthai "speak obscurely, speak in riddles," from ainos "fable, riddle," of unknown origin.
1. One that is puzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable.
2. A perplexing speech or text; a riddle.
Image: Infinite Enigma, Salvador Dali
Enigma of Me
My words proclaim the enigma of me,
subconscious, soul searching soliloquy.
From the hidden archives of my mind,
in images and shadows, mysteries I find.
Words manifest from unknown places,
in trance like illusion, many faces.
Personified I am, with wrong and right,
sadness and joy rendezvous in the night.
I encounter what makes me sing,
yet shadows to my heart they bring.
Horsemen galloping across my soul,
offer peace in a golden alms bowl.
I find repose again in the nocturnal,
reborn in a dark, midnight tribunal
A guilty rose, my broken muse,
bending in the light of a crimson sunrise.
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