We are approaching the old capital of Thailand, Ayutthaya, by way of river in a long-tailed wooden boat. The gentle hum of the engine is already lulling us into a different world. The river bends lazily, then looming before us are remnants of ancient times. We are still, in awe of the grandeur echoing lifetimes past.
Once, this was a thriving city, the most opulent kingdom in the East for over four centuries. Steeped in accumulated wealth, jewels, colourful rich silks… Amid this opulence, skilled craftsmen create intricate splendours in honour of their King.
Their King, perceived as a realised being with deity-like qualities, is a near Buddha. Each palace watched over by its own temple adorned with statues of Buddhist worship, housing abbots and monks in their fiery robes.
Buddha, an enlightened being with compassionate heart, touched by the suffering of all beings, was their guidance through this life and beyond.
This existence was dramatically disrupted by an onslaught of vicious attacks by neighbouring Burma, in 1767. A blazing fire burned for 14 days: dreams, hopes, futures...past…ravaged. The city destroyed and deserted.
However, in our hearts we know that life can withstand the tests of time … Its energy transcending into the now and always. Compassion - the source of all inspiration in this tranquil place. We breathe it in, feel it – yes, everything is impermanent but the energy is reborn and renewed. Our souls are replenished and we dwell in the magic of the soft light that envelops us.
As we walk through the ruins of this woven tapestry of moments, we are overcome but the enormity of it all. The mystical power and serenity of the sandstone Buddha images, some with heads, others not; the splendour of the Stupas protruding into the heavens above us, some fallen; ruined walls forming a patchwork of geometric lines all to be broken again by blooming magnolia trees…all intertwined , manmade objects perfectly at one with nature… all forming a perfect equation.
Watch the video of photos I took by clicking on the below link :-)
Music: Buddhist Mantra - O Mani Padme Hum
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