I am quite busy at work at the moment, working afternoons, evenings and weekends. Teaching IELTS preparation courses is almost second nature to me now. Initially, I really had to prepare each lesson thoroughly, enjoying the challenge of learning a new skill. Most of my students are either recent graduates or young professionals who want to study a Masters degree abroad. It is startling how little English they speak and how little they know about the world. This is particularly worrrying, considering they need to be able to write a descursive essay on several global topics such as Global Warming, education, modern technology etc. I confess, I am the first to admit that I don't always keep up to date much with current affairs.. but still there is a minimum. Despite this, they are very conscientious and I have great fun teaching them (as enthusiastic and energetic as ever). Overall, they live up to the friendly Thai image - plenty of laughs.
I am not complaining about the workload, though. We just spent five days in Phuket - a conference for all the Sales and Marketing and PR offices around the world. It was a repetition of that glorious month lazing by the pool and reading last August. The hotel organised incredible themed parties to entertain all the delegates. My social life experienced a much needed boost with Latino nights, Arabic BBQs on the beach and pub quizes, complete with costumes and all! I felt sorry for Amandio having to get up early the next morning with a hectic schedule of training sessions, workshops and meetings ahead of him.
A bit of interesting news. Thailand has censored Youtube as of two days ago. Apparantley, someone shot and posted a video of the King, which, shockingly, showed his feet! Okay, two things need to be pointed out now... First and foremost, Thais hold the King and Queen with great reverence - almost like a God. Someone recently got a 10 year prison sentence for defacing an image of the King. Secondly, feet are considered the dirtiest, lowliest, most unholy part of the body (great foot massages though). It is a mark of great disrespect if you point your feet at anyone. So a great cultural 'faux pas' was commited by broadcasting the Kings feet to the world. Youtube refused to delete the video in question in keeping with 'Freedom of Speech' and as a result the site is now banned in Thailand to preserve respect for the King. This is a perfect example of why I love experiencing different cultures and beliefs. However, it is a shame as I was planning to add links to videos that I have posted there to my blog. Anyway, I started an account in dailymotion and will use that instead :-)

We aren't doing anything special for Easter. Thais, obviously don't celebrate it being Buddhist or Muslim. Mmm... enjoying memories of delicious mouthwatering aromas wafting around the house in Fungalvaz - Cabrito, Folar de Pascoa and Port wine. Clear, crisp, sunny days, tulips and daffodils in the garden, carpets of red poppies in the fields; nature awakening. This is a great time of year in Portugal. Saudades :-)
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